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The Official Jason Page

Welcome to the site that is dedicated to stalking Jason because we love him and he wanted to be stalked (which we, of course, don't mind doing).

This site is currently under construction and is therefore incomplete at the moment. Come back later, and you just might find more.

What's New?

10/7/04 - I got the other Bio stuff and the rest of the pics up so check them out. Also, two days ago was his birthday (if anyone saw the "Happy Birthday" thing when it was up), so yay. Please send in donations if you have anything we could use (we'll credit you). ~sidra
9/23/04 - I have more stuff for the Bio section and more pics to put up but they're all on my other computer so keep an eye out for those coming soon. ~sidra
7/28/04 - Some pics are finally up and some of the bio has been up for a while. More pics coming soon. Once I can get access to the other computer, I'll get more up. ~sidra
6/27/04 - Work on the site finally begins.

Last updated on 3/4/2008, 6:00:47 AM

Site Created on Sunday, June 27, 2004


Email us if you have anything to say or contribute.