Here's what we've managed to learn about Jason. We'll try to get more up over time. (Please don't steal. If you use anything
from this page on your own site, please let us know and credit us.)
Full Name: Jason Andrew Geisinger Birthdate: Oct. 5th Hometown: Potomac, Md Nickname(s):
N/A Status: Single Family: -Parents: 2 -Siblings: N/A Pets: 1 Dog (Cory), 2 Cats (Alice and Holly) Height:
5'8'' Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown Favorites: -Color: Black, Purple, Red
-Band(s): Oh man, so many...Marilyn Manson, Insane Clown Posse, KMFDM, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, Andrew
W.K., PIG, Cyanotic, Defragmentation, Acumen Nation, DJ? Acucrack, Torrent Vaccine Hanzel Und Gretyl, Tech N9ne
-Song: Right now, I have been listening to the first track off of Ministry's new album a lot. Its called "No W". Word on
the street is its also on the "Rock Against Bush" comp. -Album: So many of these too... Antichrist
Superstar, The Downward Spiral, Great Melinko, Pslam 69, House of the Mole, Uber Alles, Portrait of an American Family,
The Process, I Get Wet -Movie(s): Jeez, there is no one answer for these quesitons. However, if I was
to narrow it down to a smallish list, I would say, the orginal Alien Triology, the Terminator movies, Jurassic Park 1&3
(thats right motherfucker, I said JP3...bitch), Saving Private Ryan, Hardcore Amateur Porn, Music Video Comps, and live
concert Comps...oh and most Mel Brooks films -TV Show(s): KILL YOUR GOD, KILL YOUR TV
-Actor/Actress: Most of them are good, despite popular belief -Restaurant: The Palm all the way!! Nothing
beats steak and cheesecake. Period. -Food: GRILLED COW FLESH!!! aka Steak -Drink:
Coca-Cola. We all got hot-ATL-style in dis bitch. -Animal: Cats! -Candy/Chocolate:
Sour Patch Kids and Reese's -Book: Of Mice and Men, Perfect Storm, Jurassic Park, Long Hard Road Out
of Hell, all the ICP comics -Pizza Topping: Plain. -Live Band: Three way tie-
Marilyn Manson, Alice Cooper and AWK -Subject In High School: TV Production -Quote:
I don't know if this is suppose to be from me or someone else, but one of my favorite quotes from other people are- "If
silence is golden, then me making noise if platnium."-Tech N9ne, "I think I am the only person to ever say 'fist-fuck'
and win a grammy."- Trent Reznor, "If I won a grammy, I would melt it down and make a gun."-Marilyn Manson, "You can ban
us from every venue you in the country and I will come to your backyard and play a fucking concert...and we don't even
play instriments."-Violent J, "You wish we'd die, you hope we'd die, the only problem is we will never die...motherfucker."-Shaggy
2 Dope. Of my own quotes I would say..."I say fuck you with a smile on my face."-me. -Memory: To
many of them, most of which I wish could forget. However I deffinately will never forget the first time I did a show as
a road manager. It was in Tampa, Florida with Defragmentation at the "Liar's Club". Or Warped Tour with Stevers and
Jorge!! Rock and Roll.
Video Games, Photography, Heroin
Subject In High School: TV Production
Subject In High School: Algebra
Job: Video Store Clerk
Job: Production Assistant at Nissan Pavilion or being a band
Job: Subway "Sandwhich Artist"...I only did for two
Date: Sex and maybe dinner and a movie
Date: Sex and maybe dinner and a movie
Date: Dinner and a Movie
Favorite Movie: The Village (As of Now)
Favorite Song: Anything by Rush
Favorite Food: Indian
Money, Sex, Heroin, Todd (lie)
Peeves: Rush, Loud People, Minorities and Veggiemite
Accomplishment: A12 Rep.
Thing You Can't Live Without: Heroin
You'd Like To Add: It rubs the lotion on its skin...